( Study of ) Chase in Human Eye
Note :
This Study is Proprietory of Self i.e. Ashish Patwari , Constructor & Owner of Blog which describe the Title as,
(Study of) Chase in Human Eye
The same is Grabbed in illegal manner by people making use of technology Mind Reading and distributed in various sectors for various reasons, as usual when this idea emerged and thereafter even though enough care is being taken by "Self" to protect the Study from illegal grab to the level of best as I can, the same things I observed in continuation.
This Note is meant for Security purpose of my Own to avoid this illegal copying in the contents of the Blog,
(Study of) Chase in Human Eye
As per stated in "Oxford" dictionary, an "Art" is branch of "Creative Activity" in "Literature", " Music " and " Painting ".
Here, meaning for "Literature" is considered as , written works especially those regarded as having artistic merit which is considered equivalent to "Art" work , as stated above.Each individual line stated herein this "Art" is based upon reality and convey meaningful aspects.
As per the definition mentioned upon "Wikipedia", definition of "Literature" which is considered equivalent to "Art" work go as,
"Most generically, is any body or collection of written works. More restrictively, "Literature" refers to writing considered to be an "Art" form or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, and sometimes deploys language in ways that differ from ordinary usage".
As per the concept, I studied so far, and in general, "Art" can be described as "Creative" skill which define specific qualities associated with particular act and represent intellectual ability in genuine ways.
This "Art" primarily deals with format written which is based upon incidences covered in my own life and thereby , convey mystery behind what is the real cause for particular incidence or particular moment which took place.
If this does not hold true about me, and intention if found to appear go as to point one or point an incidence in life of particular person or group of person , then other than those who go through this "Art" who does not bear any similarities may find these familiar to some extent and should not go or consider this writing to avoid further effects upon mind.
In other words, this "Art" bears multiple meanings as per the experiences of individual person in his life.
As mentioned above, meaning of "Art" as constructed in this blog, each "Art" is constructed individually and emphasis is not kept upon "Structure" of "Language" but rather , upon meaning which retains the genuineness of the same . Hence, it is built upon the conditions which exists or existed in past and then proceed further to bring meaningful end of the same.
If this does not hold true about me, and intention if found to appear go as to point one or point an incidence in life of particular person or group of person , then other than those who go through this "Art" who does not bear any similarities may find these familiar to some extent and should not go or consider this writing to avoid further effects upon mind.
In other words, this "Art" bears multiple meanings as per the experiences of individual person in his life.
As mentioned above, meaning of "Art" as constructed in this blog, each "Art" is constructed individually and emphasis is not kept upon "Structure" of "Language" but rather , upon meaning which retains the genuineness of the same . Hence, it is built upon the conditions which exists or existed in past and then proceed further to bring meaningful end of the same.
In short, while having to consider all the aspects mentioned above, the Art I built I can describe as,
Acquired Rhythm in Time
To find breach in "Security i.e. to find loopholes in the "Ownership" of rights and make use of the same in illegal manner by "Professional" who host their skill in particular Subject which may include "Marathi","Hindi" or "English" for either "Private" or "Commercial" uses of the same in various sector, whatever efforts those can be made by such "Professional" or any other person, who belong to from another sector , who may find importance equivalent to grab this pattern for illegal uses of the same are hereby informed to face consequences for breach of rights which break the privacy of this blog.
This "Art", in order to find it effective, use of rhymes at necessary place, use of words which provide weight in line are used and is not meant to provide exact relation with "Grammar" as used while building sentences, to make it more effective while reading in sync with lines and to find it more appealing while reading.
As mentioned previously, "Constructor" and "Owner" of this blog, is not going to be held responsible , if one goes through this "Art" , find similarities as per the contents mentioned in the same and if it lead to reveal some of secrets or mystery of his personal life and find feel of insecurities among him which may at some extent lead to disturb his routine life.
As mentioned on page which retain contents of individual "Art", warning displayed for prohibition of illegal uses of this "Art" is,
No part of this "Art" or "Pattern of Writing" based upon the reality stated herein should be copied or experimented in any other language either by human recognizable means, electronic means, or by any other way which can likely be copied by means of use of communication of waves which involve concepts in physics, because it is not meant for either "Private" or "Commercial" use of the same. It could be a legal offense and "Strict" action will be taken, if illegitimate use of this "Art" is made in any sector, without intimating "Constructor" and "Owner" of this blog who is building this "Art", because entire study belong to him and permission to use the same "Art" is mandatory.
This "Art", in order to find it effective, use of rhymes at necessary place, use of words which provide weight in line are used and is not meant to provide exact relation with "Grammar" as used while building sentences, to make it more effective while reading in sync with lines and to find it more appealing while reading.
As mentioned previously, "Constructor" and "Owner" of this blog, is not going to be held responsible , if one goes through this "Art" , find similarities as per the contents mentioned in the same and if it lead to reveal some of secrets or mystery of his personal life and find feel of insecurities among him which may at some extent lead to disturb his routine life.
As mentioned on page which retain contents of individual "Art", warning displayed for prohibition of illegal uses of this "Art" is,
No part of this "Art" or "Pattern of Writing" based upon the reality stated herein should be copied or experimented in any other language either by human recognizable means, electronic means, or by any other way which can likely be copied by means of use of communication of waves which involve concepts in physics, because it is not meant for either "Private" or "Commercial" use of the same. It could be a legal offense and "Strict" action will be taken, if illegitimate use of this "Art" is made in any sector, without intimating "Constructor" and "Owner" of this blog who is building this "Art", because entire study belong to him and permission to use the same "Art" is mandatory.
Written By,
Ashish Patwari
Constructor and Owner of Blog,
( Study of ) Chase in Human Eye
Ashish Patwari
Constructor and Owner of Blog,
( Study of ) Chase in Human Eye
The recent status of Copyright dated Oct 7,24 for the document ART having diary number received as,
is "Registered"
Note :
The pages which describe the importance of Meaningful Content will last for forever since now and on.